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Re: Chuweah Creek Fire (Nespelum)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:52 am
by pasayten

Re: Chuweah Creek Fire (Nespelum)

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:38 am
by pasayten
Chuweah Creek Fire Update 07.25.21
Chuweah Creek Wildfire
News – 3 hrs. ago

Incident Commander: Bobby Shindelar
July 25, 2021 8:00 AM

Operations Today:

Firefighters hit the fire hard again Saturday, focusing on the north and east
flanks, where four spot fires occurred outside of the main fire perimeter.
Firefighters took action to prevent additional spread. Farther south, a
quarter-acre spot fire crossed the line and was also contained. On the
south, west and northern edges, control lines remained secure. Crews
continue to patrol and diligently monitor the fire perimeter. They will begin
assessing fire-weakened trees adjacent to roads and begin mopping up
extinguishing or removing burning material within 50 feet of containment

Northwest Team 12 is implementing COVID 19 mitigation measures in
order to ensure the health and safety of our firefighters and the
communities we serve. To that end, all future briefings will be offered
virtually via Zoom, in addition to being conducted in-person. The Incident
Command Post will be limited to essential personnel.

NW Team 12 continues to coordinate and share resources with California
Team 10 as they manage the Summit Trail Fire, which is burning northeast
of the Chuweah Creek Fire.

For information about the Chuweah Creek Fire, call 509.634.2025
For information about the Summit Trail Fire, call 385.999.1380

Evacuations and Road Closures:
• All evacuations are at Level 1 for Nespelem and Keller, the
Buffalo Lake and McGinnis Lake communities, the Highway 21
corridor from South Nanamkin to the Keller Ferry, residences
at Owhi Flats and east of Owhi Lake, as well as residences
along Cache Creek Rd.
Road closures include:
• Cache Creek Road
• Buffalo Lake Road between Manila and Cache Creek Rd.
• Cache Creek (Agency) Cut Off Road
Air quality information is available at
SIZE: 36,820
CAUSE: Lightning
Hand Crews: 12
Engines: 26
Dozers: 5
Water Tenders: 9
Helicopters: 2
Fixed Wing: 1
Facebook: @newfireinfo

Re: Chuweah Creek Fire (Nespelum)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:25 pm
by pasayten
Chuweah Creek Fire Update 07.24.21
Chuweah Creek Wildfire
News – 9 hrs. ago
Incident Commander: Bobby Shindelar July 24, 2021 8:00 AM

Operations Today:

Hot shots hit the fire hard today, focusing on the northern end and the mid-section of the east side, where unburned fuels posed a potential barrier to completing containment lines. They were able to burn some of the green islands, pulling the line down toward Keller Butte Road. Helicopters flew for 14 hours, dropping 69,600 gallons of water on hot spots. The fire continues to creep and smolder, but containment lines are secure on the south, west and north edges. Crews continue to mop up, monitor and patrol the fire perimeter.

Northwest Team 12 is implementing additional COVID 19 mitigation measures in order to ensure the health and safety of our firefighters and the communities we serve. To that end, all future briefings will be broadcast virtually via Zoom, in addition to being conducted in-person. The Incident Command Post will be limited to essential personnel and all will be required to wear a mask.

NW Team 12 continues to coordinate and share resources with California Team 10 as they manage the Summit Trail Fire, which is burning northeast of the Chuweah Creek Fire.

For information about the Summit Trail Fire, call 385.999.1380

Evacuations and Road Closures:
• All evacuations have been lowered to Level 1 for residents of the towns of Nespelem and Keller, the Buffalo Lake and McGinnis Lake communities, the San Poil Valley/Highway 21 corridor from South Nanamkin to the Keller Ferry, residences at Owhi Flats and east of Owhi Lake, as well as residences along Cache Creek Rd. Road closures include: • Cache Creek Road • Buffalo Lake Road between Manila and Cache Creek Rd.• Cache Creek (Agency) Cut Off RoadAir quality information is available at

SIZE: 36,820CONTAINMENT: 50%PERSONNEL: 403CAUSE: LightningRESOURCES:Hand Crews: 11Engines: 26Dozers: 5Water Tenders: 9Helicopters: 2Fixed Wing: 1FIRE INFORMATION:509.634.2025kathy.moses@colvilletribes.comFacebook: @newfireinfoINCIWEB: SMOKE and COVID-19:

Re: Chuweah Creek Fire (Nespelum)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:39 am
by pasayten
Chuweah Fire Update 7/23/2021...

Incident Commander: Bobby Shindelar July 23, 2021 8:00 AM
Operations Today:
Firefighters worked along the eastern flank of the Chuweah Creek fire yesterday, securing the line along Keller Butte Road. Crews were successful in minimizing fire growth even with gusty, unpredictable winds and extremely dry conditions across the fire area. The fire crept over the line in a few hard-to-reach areas but these “slop-overs” were successfully caught using dozers, water and retardant drops. Crews quickly established new containment lines, which held through the night.
Additional crews have arrived and will contribute to the completion of line on Keller Butte Ridge and in rough terrain on the northeast and southeast corners. If conditions permit, crews may attempt to burn out a pocket of fuel mid-way down the eastern flank in order to tie up that edge. Some smoke is expected as a result. Air resources will continue supporting suppression efforts, allowing firefighters to focus their efforts on completing containment lines. Engines continue to monitor and patrol the rest of the fire perimeter.
NW Team 12 continues to coordinate and share resources with California Team 10 as they manage the Summit Trail Fire, which is burning northeast of Chuweah Creek.
For information about the Summit Trail Fire, call 385.999.1380
Evacuations and Road Closures: • All evacuations have been lowered to Level 1 for residents of the towns of Nespelem and Keller, the Buffalo Lake and McGinnis Lake communities, the San Poil Valley/Highway 21 corridor from South Nanamkin to the Keller Ferry, residences at Owhi Flats and east of Owhi Lake, as well as residences along Cache Creek Rd. Road closures include: • Cache Creek Road • Buffalo Lake Road between Manila and Cache Creek Rd.• Cache Creek (Agency) Cut Off RoadAir quality information is available at
SIZE: 36,730
CAUSE: Lightning
RESOURCES:Hand Crews: 9Engines: 24Dozers: 6Water Tenders: 9Helicopters: 4Fixed Wing: 1FIRE
Facebook: @newfireinfoINCI

Chuweah Creek Fire (Nespelum)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:36 am
by pasayten