‘Publicans screwing each other

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‘Publicans screwing each other

Post by just-jim »

You may have read - Ken Buck is leaving his Colorado US House District seat and right away Lauren Boebert abandoned her losing campaign at home in her District to race over to his District and declare she should replace him.

Buck just pulled a fast one to put a stop to that! People like her, he said, was why he was leaving. So now he declared he'd be retiring before the end of the session - which means a special election will have to occur. Trouble is, Bo-bo cant run in it UNLESS she resigns from congress first!

Stuff like this restores one’s faith in humanity….

Just how toxic is today’s reboplican party? There are currently 222 House seats held by r’s.
“The conference has become so toxic that fewer than 100 members agreed to attend their annual retreat that began today. "I'd rather sit down with Hannibal Lecter and eat my own liver," a Republican member of Congress told Juliegrace Brufke of Axios.” https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com
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