More trump grift

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Re: More trump grift

Post by Rideback »

Let's unpack a bit of your opinions that you seem to prefer over research and facts.

Border: where are all these illegals coming from? Well, largely because of climate change there are multiple central american countries that are failing, their agriculture cannot produce, they are run by dictators and poor governance and the people are forced to leave their homelands on foot to travel to our border. The conditions in those countries has never been more starkly impossible for people to live. The Border Enforcement for years now has been up to their eyeballs in trying to process immigration. Everytime Biden comes up with an immigration bill or policies to implement improvement, the Rep members block passage.

The Debt: it's complicated and so much more than a simple numbers game. ... nt-3306296

Inflation: have you looked into where inflation came from? It was already building when Trump left office and between the Covid pandemic and supply chain issues it was damn hard to turn around. But for the last year inflation rates have been trending down thanks to corrections in supply chains and the Feds. Unfortunately, most of the banking and Feds (no matter which Party) prefer to control inflation by squeezing the consumers rather than going after Big Business. That's why we've been seeing quarter after quarter where BigOil, Banking, internet companies have been posting record profits. Their gouging is a systemic problem where politicians favor protecting their big donors rather than the people who vote for them.

NATO: yes, Trump weakened NATO tremendously and that's what Putin wanted him to do. Putin knew NATO would stand in his way of continuing his aggression against Crimea and Ukraine. Trump was a newcomer to geopolitical history, to how the connections matter and who allies are. He never grasped the value of alliances and that cost us dearly on the world stage.

Afghanistan: What a debacle. The stage was set by Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump for failure and so Biden followed the timeline set up by Trump's admin and pulled the plug. It was awful, it is awful, but the reality is that there's just no perfect way to end a war with Afghanistan. Ask the Russians.

Conspiracies against Trump. Interesting choice of description as the record is clear that Trump broke laws before during and after his election. The Mueller report documented the before (and I have a copy of it if you care to check out the laws Mueller's team listed that were broken) and if you bother to ignore Barr's coverup, it's clear that the 'before' was unbelievably sleezy. The during was also documented, no conspiracies to chase, just simple lawbreaking. The J6 hearings laid out in detail and with all Republican testimony from insiders across the board the series of lawbreaking.

Like the Georgia grand jury person said last week, 'I told my wife that if Americans saw the evidence we did there would no longer be any divide, it was overwhelming.'
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Jingles »

Rideback wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:08 am Trump was on tape threatening to withhold military funding if Zelensky didn't go after the Bidens. In the Obama/Biden admin Biden insisted that the prosecutor who was corrupt himself and had not been prosecuting crimes be replaced by a prosecutor who did his job. Big difference, look at the facts not the spin.

Note that the Obama admin did not have the flurry of crimes during its 8 years in office. No crimes, no prosecutions. Simple equation.

The Obama administration inherited a crashing economy. They brought it back to health. Trump inherited that healthy economy and brought it to its knees with record debt and high unemployment and worldwide lack of faith and approval of/in the US handling of world affairs. Biden inherited that mess; he successfully brought the US out of the pandemic, added more jobs in 2 years than Trump had in 4, has decreased the debt substantially, has implemented the largest infrastructure bill since Eisenhower, has regained the alliances in Europe that Trump destroyed and indeed made them the strongest they've been for over 20 years, has re entered the Paris Accord that is now in place to consolidate cooperation to fight climate change which is getting worse every season now.

Meanwhile, the Reps have not come up with any plans or policies to improve the lives of Americans. It's been over 12 years since they promised to give us a better health care system. Crickets. In '22 they promised to come up with plans to ease inflation. Crickets. Rep's slam the record arrests at the US/Mexico border as evidence Biden is failing at border control. Hello? The arrests are indicative of successful policing the borders. All the Reps are focused on is obstruction of any and all things that would make our lives better. They have no plans, no policies. All they do is hold clown shows in the House where their conspiracies are dismantled one by one and they're left with nothing. Rep's used to be a party of ideas, of policies that grew the economy. What happened to that Party?
Hmm where to start
Record unemployment yes there were records set, the lowest unemployment rates among ALL ethnic groups in over 40 years.

Record number of arrest at the border yet over 1000 illegals crossing per day that IS NOT immigration that is an invasion.

Ease inflation yea that is working so well considering gas was under 3.00 per gal and now is over 4.00 and approaching 5.00 the prices at grocery stores higher that are almost prohibitive for an average family.

Record debt I suppose so if you don't consider o'bummer ran the debt up more than all previous presidents before and the chief hair sniffer is out to break that record.

FOREIGN POLICY yea Trump Did tell NATO It was time for them to start paying their share instead of the US bailing footing the majority of the bill. Yes Biden did get in favor of Europian countries by once again picking their share of expenses securing their countries.

We won't discuss the fact that Biden was the Biggest embarrassment EVER in his handling the withdrawal from Afghanistan and caused America to loose all credibility as a power to be reckoned with.

What happened to the republican party they became the party of RINO's and talk about conspiracies maybe you should look closer at the Democrat party that manufactured conspiracies even before he was inaugurated and did nothing for 4 years but manufacture one after another to get him out of office, simply because he was and is not part of the established elite and that upset their plans to turn this country into a socialist state where the government controls the people instead of the way the founders intended of the people controlling the government.

I kinda feel sorry you are so blind and set in your ways you can't see the truth but continue to spew TOTAL BS.
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Jingles »

Rideback wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:08 am Trump was on tape threatening to withhold military funding if Zelensky didn't go after the Bidens. In the Obama/Biden admin Biden insisted that the prosecutor who was corrupt himself and had not been prosecuting crimes be replaced by a prosecutor who did his job. Big difference, look at the facts not the spin.

Note that the Obama admin did not have the flurry of crimes during its 8 years in office. No crimes, no prosecutions. Simple equation.

The Obama administration inherited a crashing economy. They brought it back to health. Trump inherited that healthy economy and brought it to its knees with record debt and high unemployment and worldwide lack of faith and approval of/in the US handling of world affairs. Biden inherited that mess; he successfully brought the US out of the pandemic, added more jobs in 2 years than Trump had in 4, has decreased the debt substantially, has implemented the largest infrastructure bill since Eisenhower, has regained the alliances in Europe that Trump destroyed and indeed made them the strongest they've been for over 20 years, has re entered the Paris Accord that is now in place to consolidate cooperation to fight climate change which is getting worse every season now.

Meanwhile, the Reps have not come up with any plans or policies to improve the lives of Americans. It's been over 12 years since they promised to give us a better health care system. Crickets. In '22 they promised to come up with plans to ease inflation. Crickets. Rep's slam the record arrests at the US/Mexico border as evidence Biden is failing at border control. Hello? The arrests are indicative of successful policing the borders. All the Reps are focused on is obstruction of any and all things that would make our lives better. They have no plans, no policies. All they do is hold clown shows in the House where their conspiracies are dismantled one by one and they're left with nothing. Rep's used to be a party of ideas, of policies that grew the economy. What happened to that Party?
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Re: More trump grift

Post by just-jim »

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Re: More trump grift

Post by Rideback »

Trump was on tape threatening to withhold military funding if Zelensky didn't go after the Bidens. In the Obama/Biden admin Biden insisted that the prosecutor who was corrupt himself and had not been prosecuting crimes be replaced by a prosecutor who did his job. Big difference, look at the facts not the spin.

Note that the Obama admin did not have the flurry of crimes during its 8 years in office. No crimes, no prosecutions. Simple equation.

The Obama administration inherited a crashing economy. They brought it back to health. Trump inherited that healthy economy and brought it to its knees with record debt and high unemployment and worldwide lack of faith and approval of/in the US handling of world affairs. Biden inherited that mess; he successfully brought the US out of the pandemic, added more jobs in 2 years than Trump had in 4, has decreased the debt substantially, has implemented the largest infrastructure bill since Eisenhower, has regained the alliances in Europe that Trump destroyed and indeed made them the strongest they've been for over 20 years, has re entered the Paris Accord that is now in place to consolidate cooperation to fight climate change which is getting worse every season now.

Meanwhile, the Reps have not come up with any plans or policies to improve the lives of Americans. It's been over 12 years since they promised to give us a better health care system. Crickets. In '22 they promised to come up with plans to ease inflation. Crickets. Rep's slam the record arrests at the US/Mexico border as evidence Biden is failing at border control. Hello? The arrests are indicative of successful policing the borders. All the Reps are focused on is obstruction of any and all things that would make our lives better. They have no plans, no policies. All they do is hold clown shows in the House where their conspiracies are dismantled one by one and they're left with nothing. Rep's used to be a party of ideas, of policies that grew the economy. What happened to that Party?
Last edited by Rideback on Sun Mar 19, 2023 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Jingles »

Rideback wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:41 pm So didya expect that people would just smile and let Trump and the enablers have at it? Laws broken in this country means prosecutions and justice being applied.

Now you may want to say 'whataboutthedemocrats' when I say that but when Dems break laws they're subject to prosecution and they are prosecuted under the law. Difference is no one in our history has ever held the levers of power in the office of the Presidency who daily practiced some kind of lawbreaking. Trump reveled in it, he bragged about it, he directed the DoJ to go after his enemies, he threatened to withhold aid to foreign nations like Ukraine who were under attack and had been promised aid. His lawbreaking was breathtaking and because of it the DoJ is now saddled with the largest investigation in its history and by its own count there are more than a thousand J6 insurrectionists who have yet to be charged. No Dem president nor even any other Rep president has come close to Trump's record of corruption.
Seems strange you accuse DT of threatening to withhold aid from foreign countries when the chief hair sniffer was the one that was recorded threatening to withhold money unless a prosecutor was replaced.

When Dems break the law they are prosecuted? Please give me a break and tell me you don't really believe that.

Am I totally pleased with the job DT did during his term? No because he did not drain the swamp of the swamp dwelling creatures as he said he would, in fact he did not even identify the creatures publicly so the country and world could see who the real threat to this Constitutional Republic was and is. And FYI we DO NOT live in Democracy. A democracy, like many uninformed envision, is a MOBOCRACY (very simply stated) is similar to a pack of wolves and a single sheep deciding what's for dinner.

But then we have not had a president, or politican period, that has done what they said they would during their campaign speeches in who knows how long. My mistake, no job, Obummer did when he promised to fundamentally transform America he did start this country on a downward spiral that continues today.

IMO they, current politicians, are all a bunch of liars, crooks and thieves, but that comes with being a lawyer first, and have never learned that they were elected to serve the people that elected them HONORABLY for a specific period then return to civilian life and resume their former lives, serving in Congress was not meant to be a profession ... 457a&ei=38
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Re: More trump grift

Post by just-jim »

TDS = trump devotion syndrome, right?
That means bootlickers and butt-kissers. Or do I have that backwards?
Last edited by just-jim on Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Rideback »

So didya expect that people would just smile and let Trump and the enablers have at it? Laws broken in this country means prosecutions and justice being applied.

Now you may want to say 'whataboutthedemocrats' when I say that but when Dems break laws they're subject to prosecution and they are prosecuted under the law. Difference is no one in our history has ever held the levers of power in the office of the Presidency who daily practiced some kind of lawbreaking. Trump reveled in it, he bragged about it, he directed the DoJ to go after his enemies, he threatened to withhold aid to foreign nations like Ukraine who were under attack and had been promised aid. His lawbreaking was breathtaking and because of it the DoJ is now saddled with the largest investigation in its history and by its own count there are more than a thousand J6 insurrectionists who have yet to be charged. No Dem president nor even any other Rep president has come close to Trump's record of corruption.
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Jingles »

just-jim wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:52 pm .
There is just no end in sight when someone believes that no laws apply to them.
That is the entire established Democrat party
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Jingles »

It is truly amazing the number of people that suffer from TDS that are supposed to be Adults capable of reasonable thought and all they see is how evil the opposing party is but cCAN NOT see the corruption in their own party.
Must be a case of can't see the forest for the trees
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Re: More trump grift

Post by Rideback »

I did get a chuckle hearing that the Manhattan DA is meeting with law enforcement next week to determine how to arrest Trump. Then I realized that it is a good bet that Trump will resist extradition from Florida to Manhattan. So I wondered what role his rival and frequent target of Trump's slurs, DeSantis, play in an extradition... ... ork-2023-3
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More trump grift

Post by just-jim »

He just can’t help himself. Now, foreign gifts were not reported, as required by law.
. ... gn-nations
There is just no end in sight when someone believes that no laws apply to them.
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