Recovering from supply chain disaster

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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Rideback »

Alex Kliment:

'Vladimir Putin’s decision to wage war has already brought destruction to the places and people of Ukraine, but it could also put millions of people at risk far from cities like Kyiv, Kharkov, and Mariupol. That’s because the war is making key food staples around the world more scarce and pricier, raising the prospect of food shortages and social unrest.

“Countries as far afield as Nigeria, Yemen, and Bangladesh are already feeling the effects of reduced grain exports,” says Peter Ceretti, a senior analyst with Eurasia Group. “But the knock-on effects could be much worse: soaring fertilizer prices, export bans, and a failed planting season in Ukraine could all mean that millions around the world go hungry.”

How bad is it? Prices for basic foodstuffs such as wheat, sunflower oil, and corn have hit record highs in recent days, as has the UN’s food price index, which measures the cost of several key staples together. With scant near-term prospects for peace, a global food crunch is coming.

The Ukraine war has made a bad situation worse. Even before the Russian invasion, the world was facing higher prices for energy, food, and shipping as post-pandemic demand roared back faster than supplies. The war has compounded all of that.

This is, in fact, a war between two superpowers … of agriculture. The world’s number one exporter of wheat has invaded the world’s number five exporter of the grain – together Russia and Ukraine provide about 30% of wheat in global markets. Ukraine has now banned exports entirely as a wartime security measure, and financial sanctions on Russia are making global buyers wary of purchasing Russian bushels at all.

The sunflower side of it. That yellow band on the Ukrainian flag is meant to depict the country’s vast golden fields of sunflowers. Ukraine is the single largest exporter of sunflower oil, accounting for more than 40% of the global supply. Russia isn’t far behind at about a quarter of the market. Sunflower oil is a crucial cooking oil for households in many developing countries (and it’s also the source of the crisp in potato chips.) The war has already halted activity at Ukraine’s sunflower crushing plants, causing a knock-on surge in demand for substitutes like palm oil, which is now also seeing soaring prices.

Fertile soil for a bigger crisis. What do farmers need to produce wheat and other crops? Aside from sun, land, water, and love, they need fertilizer, and lots of it. Who is the number one exporter of fertilizer? Russia. Moscow has already banned fertilizer exports, raising production costs for farmers from Boise to Brazil.

Who gets hurt the most? Higher food prices rattle the kitchen table in all countries, but those on the brink are the most vulnerable. More than 800 million people are already food insecure, says the UN, warning that 44 million people in 38 different countries could be pushed into outright famine this year.

For the Middle East and North Africa, it’s a perfect storm of challenges, says Ahmed Morsy, a Middle East analyst at Eurasia Group. “It’s three or four different pressures at the same time, from food and energy prices to global inflation at large. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen.”

As for food, the region is heavily dependent on Russian and Ukrainian grain. In Egypt, the largest single importer of Russian and Ukrainian wheat, market prices for bread have soared 50% already this month, with the government warning that wheat reserves are dwindling. Crisis-wracked Lebanon is facing shortages as well, while Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria are all on edge. War-ravaged Yemen, meanwhile, depends on the two countries for about 40% of its wheat imports, and is already facing famine.'
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

Thanks for the link.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Rideback »

Our supply chain disaster is about to get a whole lot worse ... Qvg6rGSeRU
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by mister_coffee »

Mickey M. wrote: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:28 am ...
And do you think I support Joe Biden 100%? Biden screwed up big time when he suggested he wouldn't take action against Russia if there was a limited incursion into Ukraine. So yea, Biden shares some of the responsibility for the mess that Trump got us into.

When it comes to dictators and would-be dictators, appeasement simply doesn't work.
True, but it isn't clear exactly what would work when that dictator has over 6000 nuclear weapons.

Heartless as it is, I don't see us sacrificing Chicago to save Kiev. I actually don't even see that working in any way that would help anyone in Kiev or Chicago.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Rideback »

The global supply chain of food is endangered ... f3b097f94b
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by dorankj »

When it comes to Biden and his crime family you leftists have your heads in a far darker hole (can’t show the pictures here)! I’ll take the sand "Unsavory acronym".
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by mister_coffee »

dorankj wrote: Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:49 pm Have you ever considered how frustrating you are to me?
Conservatives in 2022, in a nutshell.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

If you reread the posts, I did not point out that you did not know what fascism or communism is. Do you think I am two different people? Pay attention to who signs the posts. I repeat, I did not "slam" you. Someone else did.
Then you get all insulted that I said the dictionary, I guess a left leaning dictionary, gave a great definition, better words than I could use.
Your simplisitc explanation was a start. But then I guess I went and got it a little more complicated, which it is.
I see with you, as you lash out, that you bring up almost everytime, mentioning how people are slamming the right wing, while you at the same time are enjoying slamming the left wing.
We might have been able to have a good discussion, but almost always, I repeat, you lash out.
I am not really trying to get you to see it my way. I was just stating a fact and the facts don't sit well with you, so you argue against them. And so yeah, then it ends up not being about the subject at all, with you on the attack.
Again look at who signs the posts.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by dorankj »

But you asked for MY words and said you didn’t want to argue (and then proceeded to do exactly that!) I thought my simplistic explanation would be a opportunity for us to agree but you changed the game. You may have more people who support your POV here but without arguments that sway me I will push back because I don’t think you’re considering a fuller or higher priority view of these problems. You are trying to get me to see it your way and I am trying to get you to see it my way, that’s how this works.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

Why is it so difficult for you to understand that I agree with Websters and those would be my words. Well, maybe we should look at another dictionary or another site that defines fascism. Or maybe even an expert on it. You are not and I am not. Does anyone know of a primarily right wing dictionary I can use? Obviously fascism means totally different things to us.
I only know, we don't want it. We've gotten off the supply chain issue.
Have you ever considered how frustrating you are to most people on this BB, except maybe dear Chitta.
You are argumentative on almost all your posts and defensive. Go back and review them. You think you are under attack but you bring it on yourself.
Done with you.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by dorankj »

Have you ever considered how frustrating you are to me? I once again take you at face value when you ask for my position and words on a subject, you disregard what I say and move the goalposts to websters definition (which is clearly a set-up for political ‘right-wing’ slamming) and then say how argumentative I am! ‘Physician heal thyself!’
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

Wait a minute. I didn't slam you as I said I didn't want to argue. And I, for myself and for the knowledge that others might want to investigate, I referred all, not just you, to Websters. They say it better than I can.
"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition".
You can have your definition if you want to and I am glad you used your own words.

"Controlling people and economies through taxation, regulation and bureaucracy are precisely the opposite goal of our government founding! The absolute least amount of government possible with it ONLY doing that which it’s authorized is my goal and ensures the greatest freedom for all, of course that requires far greater responsibility by the individual (something greatly lacking in our current society-by design?)".

Fascism takes what you say a step, a nasty step further. Fasism is alot of government by one person. Trump may have been joking but he said, how about leader for life? He liked the idea. The mandates may have presented severe economic and social regimentation to you, but it is nothing like living under Fascism.
So much for me trying to have a non hostile discussion with you. But you do it every time. You come back hostile and angry.
And sometimes hateful. You must be very unhappy. I suggest getting out and walking over the land. That'll heal ya.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by dorankj »

You ask me for my words then slam me as “not answering” or say I must use Webster’s definition. If not for double standards you leftists have no standards at all!
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

Webster's dictionary does a great job of defining it in a concise way. Then gives links for further discussions and definitions.
Check it out.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by mister_coffee »

Ken didn't answer the question because he doesn't know what communism or fascism is. He is partially correct in that both communism and fascism are totalitarian ideologies.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by dorankj »

Fascism and communism are really parallel rails of the same tracks, totalitarianism. Controlling people and economies through taxation, regulation and bureaucracy are precisely the opposite goal of our government founding! The absolute least amount of government possible with it ONLY doing that which it’s authorized is my goal and ensures the greatest freedom for all, of course that requires far greater responsibility by the individual (something greatly lacking in our current society-by design?)
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Rideback »

Chitta: Trump grand tax plan turned out to be deadly to people of color not to mention what it did to the debt, which exploded. ... inorities/
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

Ken, can you please list what you think fascist policies are? And maybe what Communism is? Your words.
I'm not going to argue with you, I really want to know.
The other thing is, I can't get a single person to tell me how Trump benefited them personally. This goes in another thread but thought I would get you thinking on it.
Yes, Rideback, Chitta is starting to make me laugh-at him, that's why I said he is so refreshing.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Rideback »

I'm begin'ning to enjoy Chitta. The disinformation opinion, with narry a single link to prove the opinion, yet somehow it's expected to be taken seriously enough to be hurtful.

Okanogan is not the whitest county in the lower 48. 'The five large counties (with populations above 10,000) that are whitest are Lincoln County, West Virginia; Leslie County, Kentucky; Dickenson County, Virginia; Osage County, Missouri; and Lewis County, Kentucky. Each has a population that is just more than 98 percent non-Hispanic white'
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by dorankj »

Mickey also supports fascist policies while insisting he’s anti-fascist. Leftists always seem to accuse others of what they are guilty of or doing! Gaslighting is their entire strategy now.
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Chitta »

Says Mr. Woke while demanding life in the whitest county in the lower48 and voting for regressive taxes that take from POC more than anyone else, not to mention the freaking 95 crime bill and all the racist quips that have slipped out of Biden during accidental honesty and hot mics. Hypocrisy has become standard for those that can't get past Trump and understand the world they live in, great for growing those family trunks in white boy county. Please, please continue with the excuses, meager grasp of English and profound ignorance of history and Science. The voters will decide in time and evolution will come into play. Good luck...
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Chitta »

Yep, my point exactly!
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by PAL »

Ah Chitta it's always so refreshing to have you back.
I'm glad I know who you are.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by Chitta »

Greatest scam Trump ever pulled, living rent free the rest of his life in Dem heads. HAHAHA
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Re: Recovering from supply chain disaster

Post by mister_coffee »

When in history have right-wingers not been all for sacrificing the poor and elderly? E.g. during early COVID many right-wingers publicly demanded that the elderly and poor fend for themselves while they continued to go to the gun store.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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