History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

Mickey M. wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:12 pm I'm starting to see the problem. Those comments on YouTube are only opinion based upon the commenters bias.

Lets start with what is and is not a fact.

"I wrote this post."

That is a fact.

"The post that I wrote is perfect."

That is opinion.

Further reading.

Knowing the difference between facts and opinions - BMCC

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= ... y4sWd3scBW
Correlation does not prove causation is another assertion that may be helpful. Regarding the YT video and comments, when you have 100 comments that are skeptical, and just one in support of the narrative, an inquiring mind would want to do further research to find out the truth. Why would the person who posted a short video have more cred than the 100 people who commented? In my world if you get enough anecdotal evidence it begins to look more and more like a clear picture is emerging. At the very least the NYT failed to report the facts on a former employee and that is irresponsible reporting. That's a fact in my world. As I said weeks ago, you can bet the NYT would have made it abundantly clear in their reporting if he had tested positive for Covid.... That is my opinion.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

Rideback wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:37 pm NYT Editor Carlos Tejada had a heart attack. He was not suffering from any underlying condition and his family are not claiming any connection to the vaccination he received.

I think it would be instructive to read the comments on that YT video. Every comment that I read expressed skepticism over this narrative. People who comment on YT videos like this one could fall on either side on whether this story was handled correctly, and if the narrative is correct or not, so I wonder why virtually every comment indicates that transparency was lacking at the very least. Here is an example in the first comment from that video.

"It's not about jumping to the conclusion that the shot definitely killed him.

It's about questioning and investigating a potential connection to a health risk that is even documented by the CDC.

The fact that you dismiss this potential, and even go so far as to tell people they are mentally ill for questioning, shows that you are trying to manipulate people's open minds, and gaslighting the issue altogether."


The New York Times, Mr. Tejada’s former employer, wrote about his death on December 22. Of course said story completely omitted the fact that Mr. Tejada had a heart attack and died just hours after the Moderna “booster” injection. It was a golden opportunity for a real journalist at the newspaper to write about the undeniable cardiac issues associated with mRNA injections after losing one of their own. But the New York Times and all other mainstream media might as well admit that they are owned and operated by Pfizer, Moderna, et al.
Last edited by woodman on Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

The science shows that this is a deliberate strategy, and it's not about $, although Pfizer and Moderna are making incredible profits. Here is Dr. Michael Yeadon, one of the most level headed scientists there is...

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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by Rideback »

your 'Dr' is no longer a doctor. He has a long and storied career as a conspiracy theorist. His character is not something you should rely on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_Coleman
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

Rideback wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:21 pm Woodman, it's a mystery to me why you don't take 30 seconds and type Fact Check Dr. Vernon Coleman into your browser. You might come up with this: https://www.reuters.com/article/factche ... SL1N2SL1ME

After the above article there were 20,000 other articles on his disinformation and of course the bundles of money that he's making off of selling his How to Boost Your Immune System.

Why is that you are willing to research on Covid only until you find a conspiracy?
As far as I'm concerned he personifies integrity. Does he look like somebody who would promote a fake news agenda to fatten his wallet? Maybe it is you who is promoting pfake pfacts. Somebody pointed out that they read the NY Times regularly, and he said that they are an impartial and honest news source. I immediately discovered that the deputy editor for the asian division of NYT passed away at 48 years old right after getting his booster, and the NYT failed to mention to the public (who they are supposed to serve) that minor detail in the write-up which also was not on the front page. I replied that you can bet the NYT would have revealed if the unfortunate editor had "Covid". I'm not saying a cause and effect relationship existed, but to omit an import piece of info. like that is obviously an example of sins of omission. How come nobody else on this BB discovered this info.? That's not fake news, and as far as I'm concerned it speaks volumes about NYT, and who controls their news reporting.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by Rideback »

Woodman, it's a mystery to me why you don't take 30 seconds and type Fact Check Dr. Vernon Coleman into your browser. You might come up with this: https://www.reuters.com/article/factche ... SL1N2SL1ME

After the above article there were 20,000 other articles on his disinformation and of course the bundles of money that he's making off of selling his How to Boost Your Immune System.

Why is that you are willing to research on Covid only until you find a conspiracy?
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

Here is the infamous old man in a chair...

https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-wake ... pKZ6B.html
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

People should be pondering who controls the MSM, and think about how all pervasive this effect is on their psyches. It is instructive to watch any of the advertisements for drugs on TV. Did you know that you can get treatment for a condition called bent carrot, or dry eye? LOL

Last year I read that the FDA had discovered that J&J had a suntan lotion or some sort of skin care product on the market that had benzene in it which is a known carcinogen, and the product or products were promptly removed from the shelves. J&J must have known that sooner or later the product would be pulled from the market, and maybe the FDA knows the game, and they let the product be marketed until the time was right. J&J makes a calculated decision knowing that it is just the cost of doing business, and the FDA plays the role of enforcer, but is it all just choreographed? J&J scientists simply didn't know that benzene is carcinogenic??? The irony of selling a skin care product that has a known carcinogen in it is not lost on me.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by pasayten »

Brad... Where and why do you spend the time to find and post this stuff? I can never get thru 30 or 60 seconds before I start chuckling and shake my head in disbelief... These people are just plain nuts... Now you need one to tie Covid to contrails... :-)
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

"RAP BATTLE" between 2 women. A good beat with a good ending...

https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vaxxer-v ... 8hZga.html
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by Fun CH »

woodman wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:14 am
pasayten wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:18 am Well Brad... I will say one thing... You are very dedicated and consistant with your fake science posts and opinions... :D
Don't cry over spilt PASTEURIZED milk! If one person learns that pasteurized milk does not do a body good, and then begins to question other conventions and traditions of men it will be well worth my time. Thank You...
you are free to believe as you wish, but why do you feel the need to preach this anti-anti to others?
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by Rideback »

There is no evidence that Louis Pasteur said anything of the kind, this is one of the germ theory denier & anti vaxer myths.
https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/germ-t ... -pandemic/
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

pasayten wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:18 am Well Brad... I will say one thing... You are very dedicated and consistant with your fake science posts and opinions... :D
Don't cry over spilt PASTEURIZED milk! If one person learns that pasteurized milk does not do a body good, and then begins to question other conventions and traditions of men it will be well worth my time. Thank You...
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by pasayten »

Well Brad... I will say one thing... You are very dedicated and consistant with your fake science posts and opinions... :D
Ray Peterson
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

This ties in very much so with the virus mania that many people are captured by these days, although most consumers don't make the connection, hence we continue to stumble... All in my own words:

Another lie from antiquity hiding in plain sight: Louis Pasteur from the 19th century who was considered the father of germ "theory" recanted his whole life's work on his death bed when he said, "The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything." Based largely on the false foundation of his life's work we have become a nation of germophobes. If Louis were alive today he would not approve of PASTEURIZED milk. Imagine that! His journals and diary were kept secret until recently. Dr. Tom Cowan says he wouldn't give pasteurized milk to his worst enemy. He says if you drink milk, which he does not do anymore, you should drink raw milk. Raw milk actually tastes good! What is most ice cream made from?? If you drink pasteurized milk perhaps you have already lost the battle. Besides the dairy industry uses cruel practices on cows. I'm glad when I hear another of their dairies is going out of business. I don't do much dairy at all personally. Who still drinks pasteurized milk? Germophobes are afraid of the bacteria that may kill you!!!!! Social engineering maybe???? What industries have made $ off creating a fear of germs? Lysol comes to mind as a biggie. Common sense tells you that you don't want your kids to breathe that shihtzu! Perhaps you should rethink that next container of Haagen Dazz as well...

If they sterilize the environment maybe humans will become sterile ized.
Last edited by woodman on Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by Rideback »

NYT Editor Carlos Tejada had a heart attack. He was not suffering from any underlying condition and his family are not claiming any connection to the vaccination he received.

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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

I heard yesterday that the editor for the asian division of the New York Times newspaper has passed away after a brief illness at 48 years old. It happened just a short time after he got the jab. I imagine it would be on the front page.

He was the deputy asia editor. Maybe it is just background as they say, in other words, just coincidence.
" The write-up from the so-called newspaper of record contains no mention of a vaccine issue, however, which perhaps is hardly a surprise in that the corporate media establishment has monolithically adopted a pro-vaccine editorial policy, including frowning upon even those who raise good-faith questions or merely seek additional information about safety or efficacy."

It should be no surprise that there was no mention in the NY times write up that he had just gotten the booster shot. What a bunch of great journalists they have over there. His own newspaper that he had been an editor for failed him even in his obituary. You can bet they would have mentioned if he had "Covid". Sins of omission by professional journalists is basically a lie, or worse.

https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/12/27 ... t-1180687/

https://www.bitchute.com/video/5hghq6TR ... hOWZ_ZcODk
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

Alf is doing a type of modeling now for individuals like me. He is telling you that I will continue to post a certain number of times, and I will not stop. How does he know this? He doesn't seem to trust individuals to make up their own minds without his coaching. Is this a sort of surreptitious fear mongering of the masses? He is predicting my next move. I guess I should feel special. He may be wildly inaccurate in his modeling of my future movements as Neil Ferguson from The Royal College of London was in March of 2020 which triggered a worldwide panic unnecessarily.

Build it and they will come. A cryptic message that the tide is shifting.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by PAL »

Sure it's not...wokey, wokey?
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

It sounds as if Alf is operating from a sense of authority that he thinks he holds over a group here. He claims to be about science, but when you share with him he seldom offers constructive comments when there is a substantial disagreement. He will refer to his resumee to boost his credibility or put down the other, too much othering...He wants to be hailed as the unofficial moderator, so that he can use his biting words to have power over free speech that doesn't agree with him.

On another note, I like the work of Dr. Zach Bush. I learned some things from him around June of 2020. One thing he mentioned that people should find interesting is that he either did a study himself or he discovered the study. It goes like this. There were 8,000 random healthy people in the US with no symptoms who were all tested for "HIV". What they found out from the tests was that 400 people tested positive for HIV, although they were perfectly heathy. What this shows me is that many of us carry viruses of all kinds, and you might even be able to say that we are infected. If those 400 people had received a formal diagnosis they would have been told by many doctors that they are HIV infected, although asymptomatic, and given a prescription for an antiviral. If it is determined by the CDC that there is a significant risk to a certain population for HIV in this case, then they will find 400 people who are completely healthy, but who simply test positive on a test, so then they become a "case". What many people are realizing is that you can be "infected" with a "virus", but you may very well not have any disease, and you should be free, because freedom is the greater good. Our bodies when we are in balance keep these "viruses" in balance, and I believe it is the same for bacteria. An example of this that medical people can easily relate to is streptococcus bacteria. We all have streptococcus in our bodies, but it only becomes strep or strepped throat when there other factors involved such as poor nutrition, stress, etc...

You would find 40M or so people in the Continent of Africa who have never been formally diagnosed with HIV, and they are completely healthy with no health issues and no need for treatment. They live a normal lifespan, and the vast majority probably don't even know they would test positive.

People like Alf who want to censor differing points of view should just mind their own business and move on.

Frankly, another person on this BB besides myself has also been the subject of doxing from others, and I believe that this person has more to offer from life experience than anybody else that I have seen on this BB. Some people have firsthand experience in healthcare or trauma care, and they see, and experience things that the rest of us don't. and although their experience is anecdotal, I believe their experience should have more weight than somebody who maybe used to be a scientist, or used to study science. Some anecdotal evidence/experience is more compelling than another's. When you get enough people with anecdotal experience it begins to have even more value, and at some point it is no longer anecdotal. I think I can safely say that being "infected" does not equate with having a disease.

If you don't like my point of view you can use a measure of caution as they say, and not pay any attention...Pretty simple, really.

Merry Christmas!
Last edited by woodman on Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by Fun CH »

Fact checks are actually about facts, and checking facts against opinions. I'd say many folks don't actually understand what facts are.

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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by pasayten »

woodman wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:41 pm It is...Wakey,wakey. Most people now know that fact check is just another opinion, and over this plandemic, there is every reason to not trust them. Instead we should do our own independent research.
Good grief! Now "bitchute"?????? "
It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech"
Brad... as long as your "research" continues to be based on these alt fake news sites, I will discount any opinions or conclusion you write... It's your right to believe your sources, but it is also my right to ignore their trash "science" and "facts"...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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BitChute is an alt-tech video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017.[1] It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.[a] Some creators who use BitChute have been banned from YouTube; some others crosspost content to both platforms or post more extreme content only to BitChute.[2][15] BitChute claims to use peer-to-peer WebTorrent technology for video distribution,[1] though this has been disputed.[16][17]

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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

alfrandell wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:26 am Brad, you did not understand the fact check.
The pcr test works.
You again presented incorrect and misleading information.
Besides, you maintain that covid is a hoax, so working Tests would not be needed.
Your efforts will not get Trump back.
Most people now know that fact check is just another opinion, and over this plandemic, there is every reason to not trust them. Instead we should do our own independent research.



Last edited by woodman on Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test

Post by woodman »

Here is some current data from Pfizers own trial... Their rhetoric has been totally misleading, so in this video she breaks down the data for us, and interpreting their data can get tricky, probably mostly by design unfortunately.

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