49ers days reveals

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Re: 49ers days reveals

Post by Jingles »

I agree great weather to suck up some sun and suds but when you are sitting on your porch or working in your yard and see this going on makes you wonder how these idiots survived long enough to even get a DL..only thing I can come up with is they had all their decisions made for them or are part of the entitled populace." I can do this or that because I'm me"
Other wise no excuse for moving or going around barricades and not being able to follow detour signs.
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Re: 49ers days reveals

Post by mister_coffee »

I learned long ago that you'll he happier if you avoid going into town on any weekend. Besides, the weather is beautiful and you might as well crack open a beer (or light up a joint depending on your preferences) and stick your feet in the river.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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49ers days reveals

Post by Jingles »

One thing is for certain the 49er days reveals the number of total idiots that have drivers licenses and are permitted to drive.
They have detour signs directing traffic and barricades blocking off roads and yet some drivers are to stupid to follow arrows or realize that the barricade is there for a reason. And it is not just out of towners, even the locals don't have brains enough to pour pizz out of a boot with instructions written on the heel with an arrow pointing to the instructions

Some people are prime examples they threw out the baby and kept the afterbirth
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