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Post by PAL »

The Republicans live in the past. Now some are dredging up the 1873 Comstock law. Literature regarding birth control, abortions, etc cannot be sent through the mail. The thing is, it is riling women up. Think of the majority here of women that will not be degraded and have their rights taken away from them. Men too.
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Post by just-jim »

I think what Ken is saying is that in his imaginary world - where Biden and some Democrats put people ‘in camps’, of course - that this makes the KKK just fine. And so anything similar in MAGA-world is just fine and dandy, too. Because everything is Biden’s fault anyway…even stuff that happened 80+ years ago.

Joe Biden was 21 when the 1964 Civil Rights Act became law, so his views one way or another were moot.

It is MAGA-logical! Two wrongs always make a right, right?

I think you can draw a line from what the KKK was doing, then, to some of what is behind Pee-Pants and his MAGA gibberish, today. Simple. Your response is WW2 camps and medical experiments from 70+ years ago. Check……

It always just more and more whataboutism….never any logic or fact or argument.
And what about her emails? And Hunter’s hard drive…huh?…..what about THAT!
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Post by Rideback »

You're actually funny this morning.
So, where is your accountability Ken? What does it take for you to call foul?
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Post by dorankj »

Don’t you just love the gaslighting and projection that magically clears them and persecutes their political enemies (and then demands accountability!)?
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Post by Rideback »

Thanks for the clarification Vern.

There's 2 problems with the view that the KKK was associated with the Dem Party. While it is true that southern Dems were initially affiliated with the KKK, there was a movement in the works where the Rep and Dem parties switched ideologies. That resulted in the end of the KKK/S Dem affiliation. The new Rep's picked up the torch so to speak. By the 50's, which the cartoon is referring to, the relationship of the Rep's and what was left of the KKK was still intact.

If you were to ask any Dem today how they felt about the Japanese internment camps, the KKK, or the experiments on black people they would immediately condemn. And Rep's from the Watergate era condemned their Party leader for his role. That's a difference from where we are today.

Today's Rep Party of Trump has obstructed any accountability, any acknowledgment of wrongdoing and that has to be corrected.
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Post by Jingles »

What Ken is probably referring to is that the KKK was southern Democrats, but I doubt dems will admit that or the fact that early on Biden opposed the Civil rights or that the dems were in office when experiments were conducted on black americans (injected with syphillis)or rounded up Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor
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Post by Rideback »

Ken, I'm not fluent in MAGAspeak so could you unpack what you just wrote? Are you saying that Democrats are pictured or are you saying that Democrats and people of many races have been put in camps by people who are friends of Biden's?
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Post by dorankj »

Those are democrats along with every time races of people were rounded up and put in ‘camps’ in America (Joe was good friends with many). So, so tolerant!
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Post by just-jim »

MAGA is about returning to some imaginary 1950s past - where old white men always got what they wanted and the hell with anyone else.

Those days are gone. Thankfully!
But, it worth remembering where those ideas came from….and why they still appeal to some….

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Post by dorankj »

There’s really no point Vern, the psychos here will never find common ground accept the points you’re making or really acknowledge you have any right to your POV or to even exist. All while dislocating their own arm to pat themselves for how virtuous and morally upstanding they are (just ask them) and ‘tolerant’!
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Post by Rideback »

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Post by mister_coffee »

If this is MAGA I want no part of it:
Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 6.08.16 PM.png
It was pointed out to me that even if you die your organs cannot be harvested without you giving consent (before you die). So arguably corpses have more rights to bodily autonomy than women do in many states today. I find it mind-bending that people can see a blastocyst as a human being but can't see a woman as a human being.
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Post by Rideback »

MAGA proponents do indeed fail to reference just when America was great. FYI, though America wasn't born perfect she was born out of a willingness to secure greatness no matter how much individual effort it took. So it's been a long journey and we've learned a few things along the way, most of all that the whole nation needs to keep keep at it. Everyone counts.

There's always been naysayers and folks who want to take us off the rails, who want to take away the rights the Founders gave us, who look out for themselves first and the Country second. But Americans value progress, we like being known as the leader in industry, in science and human rights. That pride has never diminished.

So, when people lose their civil rights, when the richest among us don't pay their fair share, when medical care becomes inaccessible, when the self entitled flaunt their wealth and power so that they become untouchable, when obstruction becomes the norm...well, then there's work to be done.

Unfortunately, my gripe with Trump's Republican Party is that its members never finish the MAGA sentence. What's missing is the ideas, the policies and the character to fix any number of problems that are fixable. Instead all I see is obstruction day after day and too often that obstruction comes in the form of lies. What an insane amount of time the Legislative body has wasted in infighting, in choosing a Leader of the House...while meanwhile Russia is mercilessly attacking Ukraine. Get the funding package for criminy sake!

When MAGAs start finishing their sentences with policies in place we'll all be better off.
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Post by PAL »

Two tiered judicial system. Yeah, you and me would be in jail right now if we did what a certain someone, of orange hue, has done.
Yes, we can and need to improve, but the AZ law shows how much we need to improve in that respect.
"flagrantly taking away individuals rights." You've got that right Vern.
Well, that's the problem, the experts say, that the white males are feeling under appreciated, so that is why they are acting out. They need to take a time out and pull their heads out and see just how good they really have it.
Whiners all.
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Post by mister_coffee »

Oh, yeah:
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Post by mister_coffee »

Reasonable people can disagree.

MAGA implies America is not "currently" great. By a great many objective measures that is not true. Yes, there are areas where we do very poorly and must strive to improve. Yes, there are areas where we face future challenges to our supremacy and need to grow and adapt to maintain it. But we are great.

Also MAGA implies that in some mythical past we were "great". I'd make the argument that if you are not a white male without a college degree 2024 is probably the very best deal you could ever expect to get as an American. Yes, that deal isn't as good as it ought to be and again we need to constantly strive to improve. I have no problem with striving to improve.

Vern, our government is not oppressing you. Or anyone who looks like you in your status. You need to travel to some other countries and be reminded what oppression looks like. Kvetching and whining about how tough you have it when you have all of the advantages and gifts available to you because of where you were born just looks pathetic. You should know better.

I note that totalitarian movements almost always refer to a mythical golden age in the past and promise to return to it. Usually in terms of body count that ends up looking like the Kmer Rouge's "Year Zero". I'd rather not see us try to pull that crap here.
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Post by Jingles »

Let's put political parties and political candidate's aside and look at the actual words.
Make America Great Again
Who in their right mind would not want to make America great again? We have deteriorated to an unjust/ immoral society where crime is rampant, criminals and people are NOT held accountable or responsible for their actions. As stated in other topics on this very BB there is a multi tiered judical system.
We have a government, both state and federal that is spending money they don't earn or have and yet keep raising taxes to spend more.
The Government is flagrantly taking away a citizens rights and saying they are privileges.
Our elected officials ,who supposedly work and represent us ignore us and line their pockets with special interest money and retire as multimillionaires
Maybe it is time for another Declaration of Independence, yes I know that last statement probably added me to yet another watch list
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same Object evinced a design to reduce them under absolute Depotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"
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