Proposition 1 is not about a new pool. It establishes a Metropolitan Park District and will create over-tourism

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Fun CH
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Proposition 1 is not about a new pool. It establishes a Metropolitan Park District and will create over-tourism

Post by Fun CH »

We know that Proposition 1 is not about building a new pool. Proposition 1 is about establishing a Metropolitan Park District which has the tax money, Authority and goal of building more recreational facilities in the Methow Valley without the requirement of further voter input. The FOP board members now will become the future highly paid MPD board commissioners and will have a free hand to do what they want with our tax money. See RCW 35.61.135, section 3.

Disneyland anyone?

If you're a hotel or other business owner that benefits from tourism you may think 'great my hotels or business will be full of paying tourists'. However that just means more hotels and knick knack shops will be built to compete for that tourist dollar.

Over tourism is a community killer. As property values rise so will the taxes from this new MPD taxing district. Before you vote on proposition 1, ask yourself what kind of community do you want to live in?

A functioning caring community full of people who are passionate about living in such a beautiful place that exists now?

Or community of workers that exist to service tourist industry and mow the lawns of the McMansions.

Here is a quote from a study done on effects of over-tourism by Nebraska State University.

"Effects of Tourism on Local Population – Focus on Overtourism
Overtourism is the focus of much of the more recent literature on tourism. According to Goodwin (2017), the term overtourism was first used on the social media platform Twitter in
2012 as a hashtag and has since become a widely used term when addressing overcrowding due to tourism activity. Overtourism describes “destinations where hosts or guests, locals or visitors, feel that there are too many visitors and that the quality of life in the area or the quality of the experience has deteriorated unacceptably” (Goodwin 2017). Many places are experiencing
overtourism, as travel has become a more accessible activity. As the tourism industry has continued to grow, destinations are now becoming overcrowded and are experiencing negative consequences associated with overtourism."

"Overtourism is directly correlated to decreased quality of life for residents by increasing housing costs, limiting the diversity of economic opportunities, and exposing residents to the misuse of public spaces. There are many destinations that are experiencing overtourism, which
has led to more antagonism towards tourists from residents and, in some cases, protests against the number of tourists in their cities. Three of the cities most referred to when discussing overtourism are Venice, Amsterdam, and Barcelona. As a result of the negative effects of overtourism, these cities, many others, and other tourist destinations such as national parks, historical sites, and UNESCO World Heritage sites are implementing new measures to try to alleviate the pressures of overtourism on the residents and the sites themselves. " ... eTbjnfkuRo

Have you hiked the Maple Pass Loop lately? 750 Cars full of hikers here to watch the Larch tress turn fall colors, that's overtourism. And more on the way. I think we have enough tourists as it is. And I don't hate tourists.

Lets prevent our Valley from becoming the next Sun Valley or Jackson Hole, and say no to regressive taxes that hurt low income people.

Vote no on Proposition 1
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Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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